Season3 rick and morty episode 2
Season3 rick and morty episode 2

season3 rick and morty episode 2

After all, there are at least three planets similar enough to Earth that exist outside of the Federation's jurisdiction: a tiny, tiny world, a planet with a screaming sun and 42 hour days, and one where literally everything is on a cob. Though it isn't as if they're without options. Yet it isn't as simple as escaping, because the Galactic Federation will continue hunting them, making a return to Earth no longer viable. The wedding quickly spirals into chaos, Tammy kills Birdperson, Squanchy makes a final heroic stand, and Rick does what he can to get his family the squanch out of there. It isn't as if the episode drops the comedy completely, but once it's revealed that Tammy has been a deep cover agent for the Galactic Federation sent to hunt down Rick, Birdperson, and anyone else who fought with them against the Federation, it's pretty hard to ignore the serious ramifications. There are a lot of laughs to be had in the episode's opening minutes, which is great because for the remainder "The Wedding Squanchers" takes on a more serious tone. A wedding may be one of the more mundane settings the show has ever had and it makes good use of the available gags: a cyborg photographer, Tammy's bird pun-laden vows, Rick's speech notes (trail off, crumpled notes, ad lib). Rick and Morty is at its best when it places its characters in seemingly mundane situations and slowly cranks up the weirdness. Obviously, a wedding isn't really Rick's scene (" Weddings are basically funerals with cake."), but with a little prompting - and because Jerry gets accidentally shipped as wedding present - the whole family is off to celebrate the nuptials. Season 2's finale, "The Wedding Squanchers" puts Rick's flirtation with familial responsibility right at the center, as Rick and the Smith family travel to Planet Squanchy for the wedding of Birdperson and Tammy. Living with his daughter, her husband, and their two children has forced on Rick a sense of responsibility he's avoided for much of his life.

season3 rick and morty episode 2

Yet throughout the course of two seasons, Rick has also been tested. The conceit of Rick and Morty has always been for Rick's genius, unfettered by morality, to force Morty and his family into situations that test their understanding of the universe.

Season3 rick and morty episode 2